
Friday, November 16, 2012

Schedule for the Remainder of November

I have decided to take a new approach for this blog since there are a lot more things I can be covering besides just the fun photos...I will still plan to write and publish a post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but instead of having a Challenge and follow up Motivation posts I am going to do themed days instead.

Photo Inspirations. Photo's I usually find via Pinterest which have great sayings on them for motivation. I'll be posting one of these a week!

Fitness/Exercise Tips & Tricks. I have like 200 pins on Pinterest of all sorts of ideas for tightening and toning areas of the body...of course some of them I won't be able to share since the links are invalid, but I will start going through those and getting them posted up here until I run out of those to share with you all!

Healthy Recipes. I'll share my own healthy recipes, healthy recipes from the blogs I've featured, and then I'll also share recipes which I've found via Pinterest!

Randomness. Tidbits of information that you might like to know about, things you submit (I'll be adding a place for you to submit info so if you come across something that goes along with the focus of this group submit it along with your name/blog name and I'll give you the credit!).

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