
Friday, November 30, 2012

Tidbits on Friday #1

Welcome to the very first Tidbits on Friday post! My goal with these posts is to open the post and have it in draft and then add bits to it throughout the week, publish it on Friday and then immediately start a new post so that I *should* have lots of tidbits to share with everyone!

Of course I want reader input and tidbits you may have seen in this post! Anyone can submit a post so just click on that link and read details and then submit something that you think other readers who are apart of Exercise Encouragement Group would like to know about as well. I want this to feel more like a community and I think Tidbits on Friday is one way that can draw us together.

Tidbit #1 Now Linking Up With GFC Blog Hop!

This is a lovely blog hop I've joined with my personal blog and am now linking up with EEG! I hope that EEG will gain as much exposure as my own blog has through this awesome blog hop which is open each Monday so you should stop by and join in the fun and hop around yourself!

Tidbit #2 Now Linking Up With Waste Not Want Not Wednesdays!

Not only does Danielle's link up offer great Gluten Free recipes and frugal tips, but this is also a link up for people who are striving for a healthier lifestyle and that's what I'm all about! I've been linking up with her since the third week and now on week #7 EEG has joined in the link party!!


  1. Thanks so much, Helen, for sharing WNWNW here :) It's great to have you sharing on the blog party!

  2. Thank you so much for including my Blog Hop here. You are awesome Helen :)

    Thank you.
