
Friday, December 14, 2012

Tidbits on Friday #3

Welcome to week #3 of Tidbits! Be sure to submit your tidbits so they can be featured next week, or the week after...when ever you can submit them! :)

I want your Tidbits too!! Anyone can submit a post so just click this link and read details and then submit something that you think other readers who are apart of Exercise Encouragement Group Community would like to know about as well.

Tidbit #1. DIY Water Cup @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog.

Last week I got my hostpital water jug which I saved from being gotten rid of and cleaned it up so it'd be something I'd actually want to use...the tutorial is on my main blog, but I wanted to share it here since I am using it for the purpose of drinking more water!

Tidbit #2. The Wooden Roller Coaster.

Thank you to Cindy @ The Wooden Roller Coaster for linking up on the {Link Up} page! So gald to have you as part of this community!!!

Tidbit #3. Fit In My Red Soles Shoes.

Thank you to Kathia @ Fit In My Red Sole Shoes for linking up on the {Link Up} page as well!! :) Welcome to the community of exercise/fitness/health!

Tidbit #4. That Friday Blog Hop.

I've been linking up each week with That Friday Blog Hop @ Let Them Eat Cake for a very long time now with my regular blog: Blue Eyed Beauty Blog. Now it's time to start sharing EEG with the hop friends as well!

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