
Thursday, April 18, 2013

NEW Contributor | Kathia

Announcement, announcement!! I am extremely happy to announce that Exercise Encouragement Group Blog now has contributors!!! (Email me if you're interested!) This is an exciting new turn of events for EEG Blog and I do hope that it is a long lasting one! I originally started EEG Blog so that it would be a community of bloggers helping each other to encourage each other and it's finally going that way with this new addition of outside contributor bloggers!

Connect With Kathia

Straight From Kathia
Ever since I found the motivation, purpose, and time to stay happy & healthy, I decided to share a little about this journey and the permanent quest to change and reinvent myself. I will be thrilled to have you follow my journey and get to learn lots from each other! My daily quests are to find the balance on staying motivated, focused and sharing my love for shoes, purses, clothes and fitness, while maintaining a healthy social life. Every now and then I may slip my very own personal thoughts and occasionally my passion for staying positive and stylish! 

I Like to... Read, think, to model, photography, write, communicate, collaborate and share what I know.

Hobbies... to workout, dance, read, write, dress up like a girly girl, reinvent my style...

Loves... gyms, authentic red sole shoes, the color pink, ladybugs, cutesy owls, puppies, sales, boyfriend sweaters, butterfly kisses, pink rooms...

Read Kathia's Posts
All of the posts submitted by Kathia can be found on this label: KathiasPosts!


  1. This is plain awesome!! What a great idea and what a great feature!! I cannot wait to start contributing with you and share what I do with your readers!!! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! This really made my month!! Now, more motivated and inspired to go there and kick some behinds while staying fit and healthy!!



  2. Hi
    I'm visiting from the Aloha Hop. I'm a new follower via google, Bloglovin Great blog. I feel very inspired to be better with my exercise program.

    Hope you will visit my blog too and hopefully want to follow back, my blog is variety of everything. If you have a chance I'd love to have you join my blog hop too.
    Angel @

  3. Great addition! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
