
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Featured Blog | Calm.Healthy.Sexy

I am very excited to share the very first blog of the Feature Oportunity with you readers!

I myself have been following this blog for awhile now and really do appreciate the effort that Gaye puts into her blog posts! They are both inspirational and practical. I hope that you will take the time to stop by her blog and at least sign up for email updates so that you can see on a regular basis what I am talking about!

Healthy Food Posts
Grab-and-Go Breakfasts

Exercise/Fitness Posts
10 Ways to Add Exercise To Busy Days
Organizing Meals & Snacks Ahead of Time
Feed Your Body Well

These are just a few of the articles that have been written on this new blog (Established in July of 2012!). Be sure to stop by and leave an encouraging comment! :)


  1. Thank you so much, Helen! I am thrilled for Calm.Healthy.Sexy. to be featured here.


    1. Anytime! Thank YOU for letting me feature your blog!

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
