
Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Blog Schedule for October!

Well, in my attempt to have a more scheduled life (and so I will have less excuses for not posting on this blog) I have made myself a schedule of things I need to do for all of my blogs. My plan for Exercise Encouragement Group for the month of October is to write a post three days a week. These days will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! I do hope this will help me keep EEG more updated and fun! This will go into effect tomorrow...the first day of October!


  1. yes ! me too. I am having a desk delivered this week, and once it's delivered I'm going to do a plan (see I write lists and they get lost, I've got lists lying around everywhere) one what to do with my blog (and every other aspect of my life. it's a bout planning and being organised.
    I am currently hosting a blog hop over at my blog

    1. Yes I know the feeling! I finally had to keep ONE notebook and write EVERYTHING in it so I had no reason to lose any of my many lists!

      Yes, I've stopped by your blog hop! Thanks for hosting it!

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
