
Monday, October 1, 2012

Featured Blog | Sweeping Mama

I am SO very excited that I have a second blog of the Blogger Feature Opportunity to share with all of you lovely readers! Today that blog is Sweeping Mama! (Now known as: Cupcakes & Carrots!)

Hilary is the author of this awesome blog which is about her life as a stay at home mom and her journey to lose 150 pounds. Here is a little piece quoted from her 'about' page: "I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I was a fat kid and now I'm a fat adult. But I feel the need to change that. I want to be around as long as possible for my children and I want them to grow up loving exercise and healthy food. I want to be able to keep up with them and be the best mom I can be."

Three of Hilary's favorite healthy recipes are:
1. Baked "Fried" Chicken. The recipe can be found at Spark Recipes and has great reviews!
2. Easy Baked Haddock. This recipe can be found at Spark Recipes and has great reviews as well!
3. Parmesan Fries. This recipe can be found at Spark Recipes and I can't wait to try it myself!

Some Health Related Posts From Hilary's Blog
1. Beginning of my 30lb. Weight Loss Goal.
2. Weight Loss Challenge: Made It Through My First Week.

Make sure to leave a comment when you stop by this awesome blog so she knows you stopped by! And if you love her blog be sure to join via Google Friend Connect and follow via Email, Bloglovin', and Facebook!

NOTE: Sweeping Mama has since been changed to Cupcakes & Carrots! Be sure to find Hillary over there now!

1 comment:

  1. I love the name "Sweeping Mama." I wish Hilary the best in her effort to lose 150 pounds. That's a challenge, but I think she will be able to do it.

    Gaye @ Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
