
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Submit Things NOW!

Hello readers! I just wanted to let you know that if you ever thought about submitting a recipe or tidbit today's the day! Leave me a comment below or go to either page: Submit a Tidbit or Submit a Recipe and turn in a link there! ALSO if you have yet to see a feature on your health/fitness/exercise related blog please leave a comment with the info needed as well OR visit the Get Featured page! I'm looking for as many as I can so that I can fill in the next few weeks of posts ahead of time! Thank you all!   ~Helen

Submit A Tidbit
Leave me a link to a post on your blog which has to do with something health/fitness/exercise related. Please leave me a way to contact you as well...preferably an email address so I can email you the date when your Tidbit will be published. Submit as many tidbits as you would like! I will of course split up tidbits submitted by the same person so they are shared on Fridays (and to give other tidbits a place in the list, of course!)

Submit A Recipe
Any recipe that is HEALTHY is welcome to be submitted! Of course this means low fat and low sugar. If you're not sure if the recipe is good, but it's one you'd consider healthy then submit it and say so and I'll let you know! :) Please leave me a way to contact you here as well!

Get Featured
Leave me your name, your blogs name, and your blog URL in a comment. In that comment also include your email address (so I can contact you & give you the date when your post will be published). Tell me a little about your blog aka what your goal/focus is (this may/probably will be used in the blog feature!). To be featured I do ask that you follow Exercise Encouragement Group Blog via GFC! Leave me 3 (more or less) links to recipes published on your blog, and feel free to leave 3 (more or less) links to other health/fitness/exercise related posts! I will give 6 links total so if you only have 2 recipes feel free to leave 4 other health/fitness/exercise related links so that there's an even 6! Thank you!

To anyone who submits something for Exercise Encouragement Group Blog: Feel free to grab an I Was Featured button now or when your post is approved and published here on the blog! I'd love for you to help spread the word and build the community in this way! {Grab A Button here}

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