
Sunday, May 5, 2013

40+ Followers!!

Hello lovelies!! I have been in and out of the blogging world lately due to laptop issues (read more about that on my main blog Blue Eyed Beauty Blog: Computer Issues). ANYWAY, I logged into my blogger account today and was completly surprised that EEG Blog hit 40 followers! Bloglovin & GFC! WOW! Can I say thank you?! You all are wonderful and it's so encouraging to me to see all those followers here! So again, Thank you, thank you thank you! :) {The Facebook fan page is at 56 followers, and the Pinterest board is at 360 followers!}

On a side note I did want to say that after vacation (Autry & I will be heading to Mississippi for 9 days soon!) I plan to start eating much healthier! I've already started on that path, but I will start blogging about those things when I get back! Just a little something to look forward to! :)

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