
Sunday, May 5, 2013

NEW Contributor | Frances

In April I began adding new contributors to Exercise Encouragement Group Blog. I still have a few more to introduce to you all, but they are not quite ready to start their contributing process so I am waiting for them! However, if you'd be interested in contributing posts to EEG Blog I'd love to talk with you so please email me

Connect with Frances

Straight From Frances
I love baking, crafting, reading & photography. I'm an animal lover and called a techie by many. If I am not at the gym, you will find me with my family or doing things at the church.

I started blogging to help encourage those that say, "I can't cook", "I can't make that", "I'm so un-creative", or "I can't succeed at that". I was that person and if I can do it, you can do it!

I have recently had the opportunity to stay home after spending the last twelve years in a classroom. After many years of teaching and helping my husband in the ministry, it is in my blood to help others, and blogging gives me that outlet. I am in a new chapter of my life and one thing I am working on is a healthier lifestyle. I have learned so much and enjoy sharing what I learn along the way. There are always notion abounding at Notions From Nonny, my blog!

Read Posts by Frances
When posts are submitted by Frances you will be able to read them on this label: PostsbyFrances!


  1. Helen this is awesome! I just came to this blog (from your comments that you left me quite some time ago) and I loved it. I'm into my fitness journey and I really wouldn't mind sharing :)


    1. Thanks!! I went by your blog and left you a comment on how you can become a contributor! Hopefully you found it!!


  2. I will check out your blog. I love baking bread and doing everything by hand.
